The R11 Stiletto II single seater and the R16 Shotgun II 2 seater were designed with competition in mind. These buggies meet the Confederation of Australian MotorSport (CAMS) general requirements for off-road vehicles (GR9) with only minor upgrades to the wall thickness (0.083″ (2.1mm) to .095″ (2.5mm)) of some of the main 1.5″ tubes – this doesn’t affect the build, just the bill of materials! We will be producing CAMS certified roll cages in the not too distant future.
The R16 can be built left hand or right hand drive simply by mirroring the drawings – this makes it suitable for Australian and US drivers. Both buggies use rated 4WD or specialist off-road tyres, serious Wilwood brakes (or your choice) and can take the largest bike engines available. These buggies have also been fitted with 4cyl car engines by some of our customers to meet their competition requirements.
In Australia they fit into various Australian Off-Road Commission (AORC) categories for competition and we are working further with them to find a category that better suits single seat motorbike powered buggies (we’re currently restricted to an up to 3500cc class).
We’re keen to see more Rortys racing – if you want to compete in the best ‘build it yourself buggy’ money can buy, get in touch!